Erectile Dysfunction
Around 30 million U.S. men have ED. The prevalence of ED increases with age. It’s estimated that mild or moderate ED affects 10 percent more men each decade of life (60 percent of men in their sixties, for example). However, ED can also occur among younger men.
One study found that 1 in 4 men seeking their first treatment for ED were under 40 years old. A stronger correlation between smoking, drug use, and ED was observed in these men when compared with older men. This suggests that lifestyle choices are an important factor for ED in younger men.
Although the risk of ED increases with age, ED isn’t inevitable. In general, the healthier you are, the better your sexual function.
What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It’s sometimes referred to as impotence, although this term is now used less often.
Occasional ED isn’t uncommon. Many men experience it during times of stress. Frequent ED, however, can be a sign of health problems that need treatment. It can also be a sign of emotional or relationship difficulties that may need to be addressed by a professional.
What causes an erection?
ED can occur because of problems at any stage of the erection process. An erection is the result of increased blood flow into your penis. Blood flow is usually stimulated by either sexual thoughts or direct contact with your penis.
When a man is sexually excited, muscles in the penis relax. This allows for increased blood flow through the penile arteries, filling two chambers inside the penis. As the chambers fill with blood, the penis grows rigid.
An erection ends when the muscles contract and the accumulated blood can flow out through the penile veins.
Erectile dysfunction causes
There are many possible causes of ED, and they can include both
emotional and physical conditions. Common causes include:
• cardiovascular disease
• diabetes
• hypertension, or high blood pressure
• high cholesterol
• obesity
• low testosterone levels or other hormone imbalances
• kidney disease
• increased age
• stress
• anxiety
• depression
• relationship problems
• certain prescription medications, such as those used to treat
high blood pressure or depression
• sleep disorders
• drug use
• consuming too much alcohol
• using tobacco products
• certain health conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS)
• damage to the pelvic area through injury or surgery
• Peyronie’s disease, which causes scar tissue to develop in the penis
ED can be caused by only one of these factors or by several of them. This is why we use therapies that address many of the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction. Click here to see a list of conditions that pulsed electromagnetic therapy has been shown to help.
NRG Pro Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) is an FDA-Cleared, NASA patented therapy with thousands of University level, double-blind, placebo-controlled medicine studies demonstrating its safety and efficacy for more than 80 conditions. (Click here to see a list of those conditions). PEMF therapy has ZERO reported long-term adverse effects.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy has been used all over the world for a long list of ailments including pain management, fracture healing, frozen shoulder, insomnia, depression, peripheral neuropathy, stroke recovery, type II diabetes, prostate enlargement (BPH), and erectile dysfunction (ED). Below you will see a list of medical studies demonstrating PEMF’s positive effect on ED and BPH.
Pulsed Electromagnetic fields induce an alternating current within the body, which affects mitochondrial function, physical properties of the membranes, nutrient, oxygen, and amino acid uptake, energy production, ion membrane permeability, and macrophage migration.
Magnetic fields in the correct forms and doses increase oxygen uptake by the cell, enhance blood circulation, and aid in the reversal of functional impairment.
Electromagnetic Field therapy uses low-frequency magnetic waves to decrease inflammation and increase circulation, which is thought to be the primary underlying causes of both BPH (Prostatic Enlargement) and ED (Erectile Dysfunction).
A PEMF therapy session is simple. You sit in a chair for 30-60 minutes with a couple of pads in your lap. There is no pain or discomfort. Most men report a light tapping sensation around their pubic area.
What are the Genito-urinary indications of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy?
Erectile dysfunction/Impotency
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Urinary Incontinence
Chronic Pelvic Pain
What are the non-Genito- urinary indications of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy?
Musculoskeletal pain
Back pain
Frozen shoulder
Fracture healing
Nerve palsies
Post-stroke rehabilitation
Knee pain
Our Protocol for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
20-30 sessions at 2-3 sessions per week
Each session lasts for about 30-60 minutes.
Painless, noninvasive, and no side effects
For some men, specific nutrients may be required.
May be combined with other therapies to achieve optimal results.
What to expect during treatment or after the treatment is over?
You may achieve the following:
Return of morning erections
Firmer erections during sexual activity
Improved ejaculatory force and time(IELT)
For patients with BPH/Prostatic issues/Urinary issues- Improved urinary flow, decrease in the frequency of urination, better control of urination, and overall improvement in all urinary problems.
Scientific Evidence for Electro-Magnetic Therapy in Erectile Dysfunction
Impulse magnetic-field therapy for erectile dysfunction: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study-Rainer B. Pelka Ph.D., Christof Jaenicke M.D. & Joerg Gruenwald Ph.D. “80% of the patients in the trial reported increases in intensity and duration of erection, frequency of genital warmth, and general wellbeing.”
The use of magnetic devices in treating sexual disorders in men- I I Gorpinchenko- “The magnetic field beneficial effect was recordable in 70-80 % of the patients, that of placebo in 33 % men. It is suggested that augmentation of sexual activity is associated with an increase in cavernous blood flow.”
Magnetic stimulation of the cavernous nerve for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in humans- O el-Sibai, A A Shafik “Magnetic stimulation led to gradual increase in length and diameter of the penis until full erection was achieved; the penis became firm, rigid and pulsatile. The intracorporeal pressure increased significantly at full erection.”
Local negative pressure and magnetic field in therapy of patients with erectile dysfunction- I V Karpukhin, S N Kazantsev “Recovery and improvement of the erectile function were achieved in 85.7% patients given local vacuum-magneto therapy.”
Scientific Evidence for Electro-Magnetic Therapy in BPH
Pulsed electromagnetic field with or without exercise therapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia- Hany M Elgohary, “Electromagnetic field had a significant impact on the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Electromagnetic field is a safe, noninvasive method and can be used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.”
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on benign prostate hyperplasia- Xenophon K Giannakopoulos, Spyros Karkabounas “Pulsed electromagnetic field at radiofrequencies may benefit patients with benign prostate hyperplasia treated by a non-invasive method.There was a significant improvement in clinical symptoms in patients of the electromagnetic group.”
Therapeutic use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy reduces prostate volume and lower urinary tract symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia-Marta Tenuta, 1 Maria G. Tarsitano, “PEMF reduces Prostate Volume and improves Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in a relatively short time, in BPH patients. These benefits seem greater in those patients with moderate‐severe LUTS but without Metabolic syndrome.”
While PEMF therapy may not work for everyone, it appears to be a viable alternative to drugs and surgery.
Think about it...
What if you could achieve and maintain an erection, urinate without straining, starting, stopping, and dribbling, empty your bladder and sleep through the night after just 20-30 sessions of PEMF therapy?