Benefits of PEMF Therapy

Skeletal System
• Improves bone regeneration in Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis
• Stimulates calcium absorption
• Speeds up bone healing and repair; fracture, spinal, disc, whiplash, torn ligament and cartilage
• Slows the development of bone disease; Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis
• Slows the aging process
The Skeleton is the framework on which the rest of the body is built. Bones also play a role in the other body systems; red and white blood cells grow and develop in fatty inner tissue known as red marrow.Essential minerals, including calcium are stored in the bones to be released when the body needs them.The skeleton gradually becomes weaker and lighter as we age.Magnetic fields pass through the body- even bones – as if the body wasn’t there. PEMF’s stimulate bone healing and repair after surgery, injury or the onset of disease.
Muscular System

*Increases muscle energy (ATP) production so muscles can work harder, longer, recover faster
*Speeds up healing of muscle injuries; sprains, strains, torn ligaments, and tendons
*Speeds up and increases post-operative healing potential of tissue, scars, bone fractures
*Addresses Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), reduces pain, ache, and tingling
*Addresses Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, reducing numbness, pain in the thumb and middle fingers
*Relieves and relaxes muscle spasms decreasing tension and reducing pain
*Reduces inflammation initiating healing, repair, and rehabilitation
*Addresses inflammatory diseases; arthritis, tendinitis, dermatitis, bursitis, gout, Baker’s cysts, colitis, acne
*Reduces symptoms of Fibromyalgia
*Increases muscle strength, coordination, and movement
*Speeds up surgical post-operative healing*
Muscles make up about half the body’s bulk. Working with the skeleton, the voluntary muscles enable the body to make precise movements, lift objects, and even speak. Involuntary muscles, which include the heart muscle and smooth muscles, provide essential power for the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. Bones and skeletal muscles, tendons and ligaments are subjected to constant wear and tear. The musculoskeletal system is more likely to be affected by injury than disease. Bone strength and structure can be weakened by hormonal and inflammatory joint disorders that can occur at any age. Inflammation of the tissues surrounding bones is caused by naturally occurring chemicals in the body released in response to tissue damage. The chemicals stimulate nerve endings producing pain. They also cause blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow and leak fluid; white blood cells are attracted to the damaged area.The result is localized redness, heat, pain and swelling.Inflammation is often treated with anti-inflammatory drugs which reduce symptoms by blocking the production of chemicals that cause pain.Chronic inflammation is frequently a cause of chronic pain.
Nervous System

*Helps migraines, mitigates the effects of migraines
*Alleviates and reduces stress, burn out
*Addresses sleep disorders, snoring
*Helps depression
*Helps anxiety
*Addresses addiction and addictive behavior
*Addresses Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and ADHD
*Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
*Calms ‘the nerves’
The brain is the site of both conscious thought and creativity. Through the nerves of the spinal cord and the network of nerves that branch to every part of the body, the brain controls all body movement. The nervous system also interacts with endocrine glands to influence other systems and body functions. Disruption of electrical impulses in the brain and spinal cord or the nerves leading to and from them may impair both physical and mental function. The nervous system can be affected by infections, injury, tumors, and degenerative conditions. Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, Stroke, Hemorrhage, Paralysis, Alzheimer’s, Hearing and Vision Loss, are the result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
Caridovascular System

*Strengthens cardiovascular systems
*Increases and improves blood circulation
*Reduces blood platelet adhesion (stickiness that makes circulation slow)
*Addresses high or low blood pressure
*Increases oxygen and nutritional delivery to cells, tissue
*stimulating healing and regeneration
*Stimulates natural release of Nitric Oxide to relax, expand or dilate blood vessels
*Improves cholesterol levels
*Increases oxygen levels in the blood
*Encourages the release of emotional blockages

Digestive System
*Alleviates stress and anxiety
*Relaxes and restores bowel function and digestion
*Improves acid reflux
*Addresses addiction and addictive behavior (alcoholism, food)
*Addresses Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
*Addresses Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis)
*Addresses all cellular based disease in the body
The task of the digestive system is the physical and chemical breakdown of food. Following ingestion food and fluids are processed by the digestive organs so that nutrients can be absorbed from the intestines and circulated around the body. Any residue of food that is not digested is solidified and eliminated from the body in the form of feces. The digestive tract between the mouth and the anus has a range of functions. It stores food, digests it, breaks it down into substances that are absorbed by body cells, and eliminates wastes. Healthy digestion depends on a stable nervous system. Problems with the digestive organs occur frequently and can affect people at any age. Some common disorders of the stomach and intestines are related to diet and may be aggravated by anxiety. Liver disease can be caused by a viral infection and is also a common result of long-term alcohol abuse. Cancers can develop in any part of the digestive system (stomach, colon, pancreatic, liver) as well as intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis, appendicitis, gallstones, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, hernias, ulcers, Celiac Disease.

Endocrine System
*Balances and integrates endocrine and meridian systems
*Balances and integrates the subtle bodies (etheric, emotional, and mental)
*Addresses Hyperthyroid (overactive) and Hypothyroid (under-active)
*Addresses imbalances caused by ‘flight or fight’ adrenal over-stimulation
The endocrine system is a collection of hormone-producing glands and cells located in various parts of the body. Hormones are chemicals that act on specific tissues and affect the body’s internal balance and regulate body functions such as metabolism, growth, and sexual production. Secreted by the endocrine glands and some other organs, they circulate in the blood and other body fluids. The endocrine system initiates the changes that occur at puberty. Hormone production depletes with age. The glands are; Pituitary, Adrenal, Pancreas, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Testes, and Ovaries.

Reproductive System
*Balances and integrates endocrine and meridian systems
*Addresses all cellular based diseases in the body
*Increases and improves blood, oxygen, fluid circulation
*Fully charges cells maximizing their innate healing potential
In biological terms, the primary function of the reproductive system in both sexes is to produce offspring by generating and bringing together male and female sex cells. The endocrine system triggers sex hormones at puberty, the start of menstruation and also menopause when fertility ceases.There are many diseases that can affect the male and female reproductive tracts.These include sexually transmitted infections and cancers and non-malignant growths of the uterus, ovaries and testes.In both sexes, certain disorders can result in infertility.In women hormonal changes are a common cause of minor breast disorders.Disorders of the uterus and reproductive organs include fibroids, prolapse, endometriosis and cancer (cervical, ovarian, testicular, prostate), Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), Urethritis, Infertility.

Urinary System
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